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Hotels in Dalhousie ยป How to Reach Dalhousie

How to Reach Dalhousie

How to Reach Dalhousie by Air

There is no airport in Dalhousie. The nearest airport Gaggal in Kangra district is 140 kms away.

How to Reach Dalhousie by Rail

The nearest railway station is at Pathankot, 78 kms down in the plains. Pathankot can be reached from Delhi by train. From Pathankot there are buses and taxis that can transport you to Dalhousie.

How to Reach Dalhousie by Bus

A national highway links Dalhousie with Pathankot with regular state roadways and private buses plying on the route. Dalhousie is also connected by buses to Chamba, Dharamshala and Shimla. The arduous journey along steep winding mountain routes from Shimla and Dharamshala can get quite uncomfortable but is also incredibly scenic - so take your pick......More